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Thomas Schroll


I sometimes stuble upon an old thread I like to read, but where the link is broken (currently Does anybody know of a way to find the older threads?

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Thomas

That seems to be really old that link. What is the subject? It might have moved.

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

I'm looking at the possibilities for creating a simple auction site. It is probably easy to do with item creator, but it seems like the article is about auction in combination with eCom. It would be interesting to know if it is possible to use eCom to make an auction functionality, and I would like to know others experience with auctions in DW.

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Thomas

The auction part it self has to be custom - who bid what and when did it end. From there it would be checking out the product with the auctioned price (using a custom price provider that finds the wining bid price). Should be fairly simple with user management and a supporting bidding table and some logic.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Thanks Nicolai

I'll talk with the customer, and perhaps ask support for a qoute.

Regards Thomas


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