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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » Sitemap.xml is does not account for Customized URLs

Sitemap.xml is does not account for Customized URLs

Nuno Aguiar



With Dynamicweb 9.1.0 the sitemap.xml feature in Dynamicweb (

  • is encoding special characters
    • : becomes %3A
    • / becomes %2F
    • and so on...
  • is not considering Customized URLs
    • It's always rendering the "Standard" method
    • /Default.aspx?ID=1


I was actually testing to see if we had multiple websites with the same domain (using the ISO code from regional settings), they were all represented in sitemap.xml


Unfortunately that does not happen either. Was that not the purpose with "Group by master website"? And shouldn't it work even with multiple website (not languages). I could not get it to work either way.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


Nicolai Pedersen

Yes, they look very wrong. I'll look into it!

Question: If you have 2 websites on one domain and you access /Sitemap.xml, what should be returned? With the checkbox set, and without the checkbox set...?

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


That's a good question. In fact I don't expect the checkbox to do anything if things were to work as I thought :P


What the customers where hopping for (because sometimes a language version of a website is a completely different website - not a DW language version), is that by /sitemap.xml, they'd get a list of all URL that are rendered by that domain (only for the websites that have it set as the primary domain)


For example:

  • We have a coffee shop that's been with DW since 2009
  • Accross the years they have expanded to multiple countries and languages
  • Everything is under 1 domain
  • They use ISO setttings to manage country/language specific URLs
  • They are asking that with /sitemap.xml they'd get a list of all URLs


It's not the only customer and we have to keep developing workarounds. Anyhow, let me know if this makes sense to you too.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


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