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Hash of hash of hash

Maarten Schreuder


A while ago I asked a question about putting conditions on an import process. ( I have implemented the answer of that time and I'm now stuck with another problem:

When importing user information, I have used an import script which checks if a user has changed his password or not. If the user has indeed changed his password, the password coming from the sync has to be replaced with the current password (image 1). I'm running into the following problem:

My passwords, which I has manually, is being hashed again by DW. Even though i think I have turned off all the settings to prevent this from happening. Because this process is run every night, eventually I end up with hashes of hashes of hashes of ...

The settings which I think should prevent hashing from happening by DW are in image 2.

What could i do to prevent this issue?


Maarten Schreuder

screen.PNG screen_2.PNG


Maarten Schreuder

The url is

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Maarten

The setting handles what DW will do with new users. If a user already have a hashed password in the database, the new password will also. You really should not use either MD5 or clear text passwords...

What happens if you just return the unhashed password from this method?

Maarten Schreuder

Got it working now thanks for the reply!.



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