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Newsletter v3 issue

Nuno Aguiar



I have a customer running with Newsletter v3 in and everything works except when try to check Recipients for a sent newsletter. We get this error

C:\SitesPublicos\DynamicWebSiteNL\Application\Admin\Module\NewsLetterV3\Statistics.aspx(87) : error BC30456: 'ShowDate' is not a member of 'Common'.

 target.SetDataBoundString(2, Global.System.Convert.ToString(Common.ShowDate(Eval("Time"), True), Global.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))


It's not possible to simply upgrade given their infrastructure, but I was looking for some guidance on how I could workaround the issue. Any idea?


If we do need to upgrade, would work (Last Stable Version) ? I currently have no setup to check for this accurately.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Looks like a mess in some custom solution configuration?

Otherwise you can find the aspx file and locate line 87 and change it. SImply change the affected line (see dump) to this:


Votes for this answer: 1
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


Thank you. I'll let you know how it goes. I will be going there tomorrow and see if it fixes the issue.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Nuno Aguiar

HI Nicolai,


Thanks, that worked and the customer was happy.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


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