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DW admin - IP address and Domain restrictions

Rasmus Sørensen

Hi all, 

We need to hide the DW admin part behind a IP address and Domain restriction on the IIS. 
But when we do so. the website cant access the ADMIN/public folder, creating an issue with the /admin/public/getimage.ashx? scaler, resulting in the images not showing on the page. 
have anyone tried something similar, and made it work?






Lars Britz
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Rasmus, 

It sounds as if you have restricted the whole "admin" folder. You just need to restrict the files "admin/default.aspx" and "admin/access/default.aspx"

Votes for this answer: 1
Rasmus Sørensen

Hi Lars, 

you are right. solved the problem. Thanks :)


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