In de shop we use a site navigation menu.
In this menu the user can navigate to a group overview page.
In the template we use a raw url but in some way this url is at client site converted to an user friendly url. I can't figure out why this happens.
The raw url links to the correct groupId and pageId in Dutch, but the converted user friendly url links to a wrong ecom navigation in English.
The navigation with id's for dutch in dw is: Producten 6455 -> Groep overzicht 6476 -> Categorie overzicht 6479 -> Subcategorie overzicht 6478
The navigation with id's for english in dw is: Products 6490 -> Group overview 6511 -> Category overview 6514 -> Sub category overview 6513
The raw url -> /Default.aspx?ID=6478&GroupID=GROUP14170
This should be the friendly url ->
But the user sees -> The user friendly url -> /nl-nl/producten/subcategorie/decoration/cabinets-and-storage-racks/storage-racks-6
Hereby some additional information.
The URL of de shop is:
nl-nl: It seems that the language is correct set to dutch
/producten/subcategorie: Are Dutch templates so this is correct
/services/parking/parking-1: Is the English shop so this is not correct
All the content is displayed in Dutch, but the products are displayed in English.