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Indexing task not running

Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

Hi all,

I cannot find any specific documentation on how to run/call a task in the index repository. I've created a task called "Index Products" - see attached image (ssTask.png).

And configured it as shown in the attached image ssTaskConfig.png. I just updated the start date, but it does not seem to trigger the task being run. Am I missing something? 

BR Mikkel

ssTask.PNG ssTaskConfig.PNG


Morten Buhl Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Buhl

Hi Mikkel 

For the task to be executed Windows Task Scheduling needs to be setup correctly on the server. If the solution is hosted by HostNordic this should happen automatically - if not please submit a case to the service desk. If you're hosting yourself you need to create a scheduled task on the server that every 5 minutes executes "x:\\Application\Admin\Public\Curl\Curl.exe" with the argument "" (adjust paths as needed)

/Morten Buhl, Dynamicweb


Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

Hi Morten,

It's located on our live server (hosted by HostNordic) which already has multiple solutions with Scheduled tasks running, so it should be installed :-)

However the "only" thing I did was to create the task and set the start & enddate along with the interval of the task execute time. Shouldn't that be it? 

Morten Buhl Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Buhl

Hi Mikkel

It sounds like everything is set up correctly so we'll have to take a look serverside. Please submit a case to service desk so we can fix it



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