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Subscribe to content? Item publisher?

Rune Skovbo

Hi guys

We are building a forum, but would like to do it using items.

Is there a way that you can subscribe to content, so that when for instance an item publisher, publishes a "new" og "marked" item, a mail will be sent to subscribers. Just like it works on the forum module.



Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Rune

You can go with the Dynamicweb.Notifications.Items.Saved notification. That is my best bet...

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Rune Skovbo

Hi Nicolai

Ok, thanks. Maybe as a feature request for the item publisher then? Or does it not make sense to be able to send out updates on new/change? I dunno :-)



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