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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Random users only get 404 page

Random users only get 404 page

Henning Jensen


I have multiple reports of users only getting 404 pages and yesterday it happened to one of the devs. He logged in in the morning and when he got back to the site after not using it for some hours, all pages redirected to 404 and it didnt display that he was logged in in the header (frontend).

Only clearing cache or using incognito mode fixed it and he was able to log back into the same account.


We do seem to have a problem with session variables on all 8.8.0 solutions and newer, users get logged out way too soon.


Have you seen anything similar?






Nicolai Pedersen

Have not seen anything like this.

If we can get the headers of the request/response using the browser dev toolbar on one of these 404s it would maybe tell us something.

Henning Jensen

I only have this picture.

There was also some reports of getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in chrome but we have not seen that ourselvs



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