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File linking in old editor not working

Henning Jensen


I have a solution that needs to link to a file but the button does not work and it says $ is not defined in the console.

One possible solution i guess would be to use providerbased editor instead. What im wondering is: Does this have any consequence for the text that has been written in the old one?


Thank you




Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Henning

Yes, it is a very old editor and browsers have changed.

You should make the shift to the provider based editor. It usually does not have an impact on existing text - but it depends on your old editor settings and sometimes your CSS settings if you have fiddled too much with margins on P-tags.

Existing text on the website will not change at all before you open in the new editor - so you might switch it on and see if there are any consequenses and turn it off/change configuration again if it does.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Henning Jensen

Ok im going to try that then.

Thank you so much for the fast response.


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