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Forum » CMS - Standard features » SqlIndexBuilder


Anders Ditlevsen
Anders Ditlevsen

Hello there.

Im trying to use the SqlIndexBuilder, to be able to have some custom item fields in my index.

First things first im trying to build the index. However after having entered a sql query aswell as connectionstring. Whenever i try to build the index i get this error "The given key was not present in the dictionary". The nlog simply states there was an error.

The connectionstring format im using is = Data Source=localhost;Uid=usernameWasHJere;password=passwordWasHere;database=dbNameWasHere
And the query for this test is = SELECT * FROM [db].[dbo].[EcomProducts]

Any clues as to what it is unhappy about, as im simply trying to build the index, without having chosen any frields or so?


Nicolai Pedersen

Just do like this - see dump.

Connection string is only for connecting to other databases than DW.

You have to specify a count statement, and a prepending your tables with [db].[dbo] is probably wrong when you are not in the SQL management tool - DW do not log in as DBO.

BR Nicolai



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