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Admin logoff loop


Alright, my solution compiles now, but I can't access the administration. When I get to /Admin/, I get redirected to the logoff.aspx page, which redirects me to /Admin, which... You get it.

My Admin folder is a IIS virtual folder pointing to the Admin folder of the 9.0.0 version.



Nicolai Pedersen

So what do you have in the root of the solution?

Did you take our web.config and removed your old global.asax and default.aspx?


I have, among others, the bin and Files folder, the web.config and the Global.asax. That's how all our projects are installed.

I tried to replace the web.config and global.asax with the one from the 9.0.0 archive, but to no avail.

Nicolai Pedersen

Try to see if you get any hints from developer tools in the browser or add a visual studio debugger to the site.

But I am pretty sure you have some old stuff lying around in either the above files or in your global.asax code, so I would check that.

Also be sure your app pool is integrated and not running in classic mode.



Here are the contents of the Default.aspx file at the root of my solution :

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" ValidateRequest="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="Dynamicweb.Admin.DefaultAspx" CodePage="65001" %>
<asp:placeholder id="Output" runat="server" />


Nicolai Pedersen

Ok, but Dynamicweb 9 comes without a Default.aspx in the root - it is built in. You said you had deleted your own files in the root....?

So delete Global.asax, web.config and Default.aspx and replace with what you find in the root of the application folder.


I tried to delete the default.aspx but it didn't solve it so I had put it back... I have now deleted it again, replaced the global.asax and web.config, cleaned and rebuilt my solution. Still the same problem...

Note that I can access the frontpage of my website (although I get a razor error), I just have this problem only when accessing /Admin. The VS debugger doesn't notice anything and the browser doesn't show any error or wrong request.

Nicolai Pedersen

I guarentee that the browser will show something - either a 200, 404, 301 of 500. And I also gurantee that if you place a breakpoint in your global.asax.cs code and attach to the process it will get hit. If not, something is wrong with your setup...

When you access /Admin it will give you a redirec to either the login (/Admin/Access), if you are note logged in, or to /Admin/Default if you are logged in. And either of those will give you some sort of feedback on the response. It will not just 'not work'.

It seems a lot like something is wrong with your global.asax - because that is the one that registers the MVC etc.


You have to provide some information - screendumps of your file structure, IIS, codebehinds, responses in your browser etc.


Yes when I try to access /Admin, I get a 302 Found, followed by a 200 (see screenshot), but then I am redirected directly to logoff.aspx, which returns a 200 too, then redirects me to /Admin, and the redirection loop continues indefinitely.


For the global.asax I have replaced mine with the one at the root of the zip file for Dynamicweb 9.0.0, but there is virtually nothing in it. I didn't have custom code in mine anyway, it was the same one line of content in it, no code behind.

<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.vb" Inherits="Dynamicweb.Admin.Global" %>


I don't have either custom code which touches the MVC inner workings of the application. I had nuget packages for mvc and razor on my solution so I even uninstalled them and referenced the dlls from the zip file instead, but I still have the issue


Any other idea ? FYI my project is a modified version of the wrap.

Nicolai Pedersen

Could you please post the information I asked for?


Here are some dumps from Fiddler and from IIS and my folders.

On the Fiddler screenshots you can see in the response content that a javascript redirection is made.

2016-09-12_10_29_05-Windows_Shell_Experience_Host.png 2016-09-12_10_29_34-Windows_Shell_Experience_Host.png 2016-09-12_10_33_15-Windows_Shell_Experience_Host.png 2016-09-12_11_12_00-Windows_Shell_Experience_Host.png 2016-09-12_11_12_19-Windows_Shell_Experience_Host.png 2016-09-12_11_12_31-Windows_Shell_Experience_Host.png
Nicolai Pedersen

ok, and the rest? Codebehind of your global.asax and a copy of your web.config and a screen dump of your /Bin folder


Attached are the listing of the bin folder and the web.config. The Global.asax doesnt have any codebehind

Nicolai Pedersen

Can you zip your solution (without the bin) and mail it to me. I think that is much easier.


Can you give me your email ?

Gaëtan Di Caro

Just thought I'd update this.

I used to have the "Admin" folder as a virtual folder in my IIS, mostly because it makes it easier to manage all the different solutions I have, notably with Visual Studio, and for the update process. Seems like this doesn't work anymore and was causing this problem. Now I have to physically copy the "Admin" folder to the root of my solution.


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