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Issue with item types

Adnan Catovic

Hi there,

For most of the contents we use item type based paragraph. The website is also based on an item type where we store general data. On an usual day the site goes down two times. The error describes SQL expection (columns form an item type are missing). We have to go to the item type administration, open the definiton, save itself and all the content based on it in order to bring the site up again.

Are there any similar experiences or it might be due to something in our setup only?


Nicolai Pedersen

Sounds nasty.

We did at some point have an issue where users could loose item data when saving.

Which version are you running?

Adnan Catovic

Current version is, but we are moving tomorrow to the latest release of the 8.8.1 in which, we suppose, item data saving issue has been resolved. We also have had an issue in item type: We had two different content pages based on the same item type, by changing value on one of them it applies the change on all other content pages with the same item type. I hope the issue is somehow related, otherwise we will have a lot of problems as most of our content is based on item types...

I will let you know after we update to latest version these days.


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