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URL handling issues

Rune Skovbo

We are having a bunch of challanges setting up language layers on different domains and with correct 404 handling.


Issue 1 - Pages with identical names
The client needs - amoungst others - a french version of the site on different domains, ie:
But dynamicweb sees this as identical pages even though the domain is different. You can check the "Ensure unique paths" box, but that does not work, when we also have multiple languages on the same domain, ie:
Is there anyway around this, that we have missed?


Issue 2 - Redirect first page to /
We would like to have a "main frontpage" on .nl/ but if we also have a language version on .nl called .nl/en then dynamicweb redirects to that page, if that website is created after the original one. It's like we are missing an option to define which website we want to reach on "/". Setting the "Redirect first page to /" does not help, as it will just redirect to the newest website on that domain.


Issue 3 - Restrict a number of websites to a domain
Since we are going to have multiple sites pr. domain, we also need to be able to restrict a number of websites to a certain domain. For instance you should be able to to access .nl/nl-fr and .nl/nl-en but not .fr/nl-en 

EDIT: Ok, this IS actually possible, despite what the label says. "The selected domains can only reach this website" when checked actually enables me to restrict acces to multiple websites on the same domain.


Issue 4 - 404 handling.
We have multiple sites on the same domain, ie:
When you trigger a 404 page on the /nl version you are redirected to the /fr version (because that one was created last?) even though the "HTTP 404" is pointed to the specific ID on the /nl site.


The problem we are facing is the nessesary structure of the site which should end up looking like this:










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