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Rebuilding new index across servers

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

We have a load balanced server with three instances: Instance 1 and 2 serve the frontend while instance 3 is a dedicated machine for the backend. With the old index this caused some issues as we couldn't automatically sync index files between the two machines because of locks. So we excluded the index folder from the file sync and built a custom module to execute an index rebuild request against all participating servers.

How would this work with the new index? Does this work out of the box? If not, can I follow a similar pattern to updated the indexes, and what would be the URL to trigger a rebuild?




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Imar

You will get into problems if you try to sync them - they are locked on the machines. So it would be the same procedure as with the old index. You can maybe create multiple instances of the index and DW will automatially swtich the newest one when detected, and have the sync run against those. If the first attempt fails, try the second one, and the server will pickup the new index once it has been synced.

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Following up on this, how would I start the indexing process on a remote server? My plan is to execute the indexing process from the primary server and then execute a GET request against the remaining nodes to update the index. Is there a URL I can call? How would I detect what you described above: "If the first attempt fails, try the second one, and the server will pickup the new index once it has been synced."?




Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Imar,

it is possible to create a task in the Repositories->Indexes and then in the Scheduled tasks there is a task called “Repository task handler”
with the url like
which will execute the indexing task if it has passed its execution/repeat timeout.
Regards, Dmitrij


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