Hi there,
When I have a frontend start page set for a user group, the redirect doesn't work when you're not in the root. For example when I log in from /products, it tries to take me to /products/Default.aspx?ID=123 instead of /Default.aspx?ID=123
I think the issue is in Security.vb. For the start page of the user, there's the following code:
If Not Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(varAccessUserRedirectOnLogin, "^([a-z]+:)?/+", Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) Then
varAccessUserRedirectOnLogin = "/" + varAccessUserRedirectOnLogin
End If
This prefixes the URL with a slash when it's not there to send it to the root. For groups, that code doesn't exist:
With cb
.Add("SELECT [AccessUser].[AccessUserRedirectOnLogin]")
.Add("FROM [AccessUser]")
.Add("WHERE ( [AccessUser].[AccessUserID] IN ({0}) )", Base.ChkNumber(DW_extranet_groups.Item(0).ToString))
End With
Dim redirectOnLogin = Database.ExecuteScalar(cb, cnAccess)
If Not IsNothing(redirectOnLogin) Then
accessUserRedirectOnLogin = redirectOnLogin.ToString()
End If
If accessUserRedirectOnLogin <> "" Then
End If
Could you look into this please? And while you're at it, could you also look at this request that suggests to only look at groups that actually have a redirect URL set: http://developer.dynamicweb.com/forum/development/rediret-on-login-for-user-groups.aspx?PID=48