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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Sorting Paragraphs on different languages

Sorting Paragraphs on different languages

Jesse Bakker


We got a website with 2 languages. When we change the sorting of a paragraph on the master language it is also sorted on the other language.

Just like it is also warned in the popup saying: 'Sorting paragraphs on master page will sort on the language versions too. Continue?'.

But is there a way to disable this behaviour? 

I know you can overwrite the sorting on the other language manualy. But when after that the master language is changed it will reset the other language again.

BR, Jesse


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You can probably disable it using this checkbox, see dump.

Jesse Bakker

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your answer. I tried that checkbox but that seems to only effect the content stuff and not the sorting.

Any other suggestions?



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Nope... That is how the feature works.

Jesse Bakker

Then there seems to be a bug in the feature. It keeps forcing the sortorder to the other languages.

Tried it also on two other website but all same behaviour (, and

Can you reproduce it?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It is not a bug, that is how it was explicitly developed...


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