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Direct Paths not working consistent

Adrian Ursu

HI Guys,

I am experiencing some issues with the Direct paths functionality.

I have 2 redirects defined exactly the same. One works, the other doesn't.

Both are redirects for changes in the ecommerce structure. First example works but the second one doesn't.

UrlPathID UrlPathPath UrlPathREdirect UrlPathStatus UrlPathActive UrlPathAreaID
411 /catalog/articole-hartie/notesuri-adezive/set-notes-adeziv-post-it-canary-yellow-1 301 1 4
442 /catalog/hartie-si-etichetare/notes-adeziv-si-cuburi-notite/dispenser-post-it-mar-notes-adeziv-z 301 1 4

Somebodey else experienced something like this before?




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

If the path exists, the redirect will not work... That is usually what is wrong.

Adrian Ursu

The path might exist but in a different Area. Does this check includes also the Area in the  verification?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It cannot - since the path exists in the URL table and can be valid for the given domain.

Adrian Ursu

This is inconsistent. In the DirectPaths definition, there is an Area parameter defining where should it apply.
Also, there is a setting on the Area defining if a domain is locked to an area (or an Area to a domain).

This is affecting any situation where there are identical paths and/or identical product names on separate domains. I am thinking multi-language/multi-country websites, B2C/B2B combinations and so on.

Maybe it functions in a way that I do not understand?



Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

I tried again to define a redirect path.

The website is this: It also hosts another domain of theirs which is

I am trying to redirect

The initial path does not exists in the other domain: therefore the path should not be found in the system.

I have added a direct path record with:

Path = /catalog/rechizite-scolare/ghiozdane/ghiozdan-disney-cars-dch-303

Link =

Website =

Status = Forward to link (301)

Active = true

I have restarted the website, recycled the pool and I still get 404 for both URL's

What can be wrong in this setup?

I have to mention that other Direct paths defined in the same way are working.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

catalog/rechizite-scolare/ghiozdane/ghiozdan-disney-cars-dch-303 exists in your system

Green is the page, orange is your group path and purple is your product - and the path does exist in the system. See dump.

This means that the URL actually gets resolved at first, and thereby bypassing the direct paths. The group and product part of this URL resolves to another shop than the one published in the website on the page where /Catalog is - and you have a setting saying "404 for products not in website shop". So the 404 is coming from the product rendering after the url has been succesfully resolved. And therefore you do not get the redirect to the other page.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu

I think I partially understand this.

If I uncheck "404 for products not in website shop" will it resolve the issue?

This is the situation I was telling you about. They have the same products, the navigation structure is almost the same.

At some point the URL's were indexed wrong and now we try to fix it.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Unchecking will not solve it - since the URL exists in the system.

The old wrong URLs give 404 - that sounds exactly like the right solution SEO wise...


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