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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Index cannot be build - gets "cannot store term vector information for a field that is not indexed" error

Index cannot be build - gets "cannot store term vector information for a field that is not indexed" error

René Poulsen


I just upgraded a solution from to and now I can't build my index. It worked before I upgraded, but now I get this error:

"cannot store term vector information for a field that is not indexed".

"at Lucene.Net.Documents.Field..ctor(String name, Boolean internName, String value, Store store, Index index, TermVector termVector) at Lucene.Net.Documents.Field..ctor(String name, String value, Store store, Index index, TermVector termVector) at Dynamicweb.Indexing.Lucene.LuceneIndexWriter.AddField(String key, Object value, FieldDefinitionBase fieldDefinition, Document doc) at Dynamicweb.Indexing.Lucene.LuceneIndexWriter.AddDocument(IndexDocument document) at Dynamicweb.Indexing.Builders.SqlIndexBuilder.Build(IIndexWriter writer, Tracker tracker)"

I have no idea what this means and what to do about it.

Has any of you experienced the same and found a solution for it?


***** UPDATE *****

Had two fields on my index that was only "Stored". I changed them to also being "Indexed". Now its working!


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

ok, great!


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