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New index - free text search using String[]

Nuno Aguiar



We are using a free text parameter but I get 0 results is String array (String[]) even when searching for a single word. If I change it to System.String, it works accurate (but I can no longer search for multiple keywords)


Is this the expected behaviour or a bug?


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Well, it was not designed for that purpose...

"Product name contains q[]" and q = bicma,cocacol,mayonai should then search for "productname contains bicma* OR productname contains cocacol* OR productname contains mayonai*"

Contains works more like this: q=bicma cocacol mayonai and then that it will do the ord on the fields...

DW uses a TokenStream analyzer to do the job for contains queries - it does that once for the value regardless if it is a string or an array of values.

I have just made a small test where I changed the search to use the analyzer once for each string in the array instead of once on the array and it seems to do what you expect. But you might get some very unexpected results if you do like this:

q=bicma cocacol,mayonai.

You might be able to work around the issue right now by doing like this: q=bicma ,cocacol ,mayonai (adding an extra space)

Anyways, added my change to 8.8.1 next hotfix.

Capture.PNG Capture1.PNG
Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

By the way, my weird search terms is searching for BicMac, CocaCola and Mayonaise :-)

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


I actually was having "no results" searching for a single word ("glove", or "bigma" if you prefer smiley) when the parameter was set to a String array. I simply changed the parameter type and hit refresh on the search page and started getting results.


I was actually expecting the search to behave like you, meaning:

  • q=bigma cocaco, mayonai
  • searches for bigma cocaco* and also mayonai*


BTW: nice search :) I am guessing you were craving for something


Does this make sense? I can provide URL and/or screencast if you're curious


Best Regards,


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

I already made the change and it is available in the hotfix released today... Try it out.

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


Works great, thanks.



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