Hi guys,
How can I send an email with a custom template that allow translate tags?
Before I could use the FormMailer but this will be discontinued.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you,
Hi guys,
How can I send an email with a custom template that allow translate tags?
Before I could use the FormMailer but this will be discontinued.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you,
You could use forms for editors...?
In that case I think not, because the user can choose one of multiple email templates in the front-end.
Yes, you can do that with Forms for editors as well.
You can create a field with the system name "ReceiptTemplate" and if you let it have a value of "MyCustomMailTemplate.html" and place it in the folder "/Templates/Forms/Mail", that template will be used when the receipt mail is sent. If you make it a select box you can have the user choose whatever he wants.
You can also override any other paragraph setting, i.e. these related to the mail being send:
ReceiptSubject (String, mail subject)
ReceiptSender (String, valid email address)
ReceiptCC (String, valid email addresses seperated by ",")
ReceiptBCC (String, valid email addresses seperated by ",")
ReceiptText_DataXML (String, the mail text - can be HTML)
That would give you something like this:
<input type="text" name="ReceiptTemplate" value="MyCustomMailTemplate.html">
<input type="text" name="ReceiptSubject" value="This is you receipt mail">
<input type="text" name="ReceiptSender" value="noreply@domain.com">
<input type="text" name="ReceiptCC" value="signup@domain.com">
<input type="text" name="ReceiptBCC" value="sales@domain.com, leads@domain.com">
<input type="text" name="ReceiptText_DataXML" value="<h1>Thank you!</h1>See you soon.">
BR Nicolai
Thank you, Nicolai!
I have tried overwriting the receipt template. But this doesn't work if the receipt template is set to "Automatic". It only works when I choose a receipt template then the template in the field (ReceiptTemplate) in the form is used! This must be a bug, right?
Running DW v.9.3.5
Hi Lars
No, that is specifically coded to use automatic templates when specified.
But luckily for you that setting can also be overriden. So set a hidden field with name "UseReceiptTemplate" to the value "1" and your custom template will be used.
BR Nicolai
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