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Send email on data integration user provider

Thomas Larsen

How can I send user information (username and password) from the user provider without generating a new password.

My source data include both username and password, and I would like to send these to all new users.

The documentation ( say:

Email configuration
If these fields are filled and 'Generate passwords for user' is enabled, an email is sent to all emails given in import file.

But why this limitation on Generate passwords for user's? 



Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Thomas,

The assumption is that if you already have a password for the user, then the user must already know that password.

Sending an email during import is only really relevant when you are generating passwords, since the paswords are encrypted before saving.

If you wish to send a "welcome to the site" mail to users without including a password, you can do that by using the Email markteting functionality directly. There is no need to use the (very limited) email functionality in the Data Integration module.

Regards, Jonas


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