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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Searched items only show on list page

Searched items only show on list page

Per Søgaard

When searching with weighed search, paragraph based items are found but the link in the search result list links to the item publisher list and not the individual item found.
How can I make this work?



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Per

You cannot - if you need to link to the item it self, it should be a page. You also have better options to manage URLs and metadata.

BR Nicolai

Per Søgaard

This is a big problem that needs a fix.
When setting up the search settings for searching in News v2 you can specify where and how the news should be shown.
Something like that could be made or items.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It will not be fixed. You cannot link to paragraphs - you have to use pages if that is the behavior you need.


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