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New index cant loop products

Jonas Mersholm


I've set up a new repository, to query products, and set up a product-list with the given index. The problem is, that the "Products" loop is empty, altough the Ecom:ProductList.TotalPages equals 65. 

A QueryPublisher with an schemaextender yields results, but as soon as i connect it with a Product listing module, its empty.

DW: Portal version

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

I think we need a URL

Jonas Mersholm

Hi Nikolai,

Thanks for the fast reply.

When you wish upon a star, an URL is thrown you'r way:


Thanks in advance

Jonas Mersholm


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Jonas

in your template you have @foreach

It should be




BR Nicolai

Jonas Mersholm

No difference. As you may notice, the GetLoop count is 0, even though the template tags saies theres lots of products.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Ok, you now have an output.

You had created a facet on the "Name" field. You have 5000 products in your index, and you cannot create a facet on a field that has more than 2048 unique values.

Also, if you rendered that facet into the browser giving you some 5000 checkboxes or similar, would make the browser crash.

You had selected the template 2 times - one for product list and one for no products found. I removed one of them.

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