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MediaDB substitute

Thomas Schroll


I'm looking into a substitution for the module MediaDB. The customer uses MediaDB on an extranet where media files is available for download. I need a describtion and keywords associated with the files for search (index). For many of the file types I can use items in combination with file handling features. Some of the features in MediaDB are missing though (e.g. generate thumbnail image of pdf's etc.)

Have anyone tried to replace MediaDB or implement a gallery with media files for download using only items?

I would appreciate any thoughts or comments.

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

I would go with items and use GetImage.ashx - I'm pretty sure it makes thumbs of images as well. So does the Gallery module.

With item publisher you can filter and make a UI that resembles facets.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Thanks Nicolai

Well, images are not the issue. It is more the thumbnail generation of pdf's. When you upload a pdf to MediaDB, a jpg thumbnail is generated automatically. Is the same feature available in files archive or GetImage.ashx?

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

That was what I meant, eventhough I wrote something else :-).

GetImage.ashx can make thumbnails of PDFs I believe. Same underlying code.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Great, thanks:)

Regards Thomas

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

It is working just fine with GetImage.ashx when the pdf is placed in a folder in the Image folder.

I need to use the gallery on an extranet, where all files need to be in a locked folder (Files/Extranet). It seems like I cannot use GetImage.ashx when the files are placed in the 'Files' folder. Is that correct, and if so, is there anything I can do to show the files?

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Will check it out and get back.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

You can make PDF thumbs no matter where the PDF is placed. If you are not logged in and you try to create a thumbnail of the PDF in a secure folder where you do not have permissions, it might not render the thumb.

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Thanks, but it is not the pdf that is the problem. I have an item with a field where I select a folder (type=folder). If I choose a folder under 'Images' everything is working. If I choose a folder under Files/Extranet I get an error. Also, if I use the Image handler in Management Center/Designer I get thumbnails if I select a file in the folder 'Images'. If I select a file in the folder 'Files/Extranet' I do not get a thumbnail.

Do you have any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Well, then you need to write that instead of something else :-).

And could you maybe share what the error is, or should I take a wild guess?

You can select a PDF from any folder in the filemanager. So we need a link to and screendumps to get it further.

Thomas Schroll

The files cannot be published, and as I understand the only way to secure files is to secure a single folder in 'Files' (

This is the error from chrome dev tools: GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

A link wouldn't make much sense since you need user credentiels to acces the site. If you want access to the site I can send you the user information to do so?

Regards Thomas


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