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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Automatic Handling of Bounced Emails

Automatic Handling of Bounced Emails

Richard D. Lee

Hello DW Community,

I use version 8.6.1 to send an email blast to about 1,500 recipients. After the blast, about 50 of those emails arrive in the email associated with the blast, as "Mail Undeliverable." Is there a way to either automatically identify and flag or exclude these recipients from future blasts? Or, is there a way of manually identifying these bounces without having to identify them in my email as undeliverable and then manually remove them from my list in DW.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Richard Lee
Sales Engineer, DW North America


Merethe Vrå Andersen


I'll check this and return to you.

Kind regards,

Merethe Vrå Andersen


Our developer has made an initial research and found that you can try to implement your own recipient provider that handles the bounced mails with:

public class CustomRecipientUserProvider : EmailRecipientProvider

public RecipientCollection GetRecipients()

        //get bounced mails

            if( base.Email.DeliveryProvider.Provider is IBouncedEmails)
                var iBouncedProvider = (IBouncedEmails)base.Email.DeliveryProvider.Provider;
                var lstBounced = iBouncedProvider.GetBouncedEmailInfos(Message.GetMessageById(base.Email.MessageId));
            //copmose recipients excluding bounced



This is a very simple and not the best provider sample, but if needed we can provide a full working sample if you pay for the used time.

If this workaround is not suitable for you, I can submit it as a feature request to our backlog.

Kind regards,


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