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Change main language

Tymen NNM

So this question exists of two questions.

  1. I have a website with 5 languages. The main node is Dutch and it has the languages English, German, French, Belgian Dutch. Is it possible to change this configuration so the English language website becomes the main node? (see attachment for more clarification)
  2. When adding a new language, it copies the contents of the main site node automatically. Yet this option isn't available for other languages of the main node. So, if I wanted to create a Belgian Dutch website, I can copy the main Dutch language and all the contents will be copied like I want. Yet, when I want to create a Belgian French website, I can't copy the French language and all the contents, since it's not the main node. Is there any way to achieve this? (the regular copy of a node creates a new website, not a new language node)

Hope you can help me out or point me in the right direction.

Kind regards



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Tymen

I can see your point - but you cannot currently.

The inherit information can be found in the database and is just some IDs - you can find the relations in these 3 tables and coluns:. Area.AreaMasterAreaID, Page.PageMasterPageID and Paragraph.ParagraphMasterParagraphID

The language version will have a master id that points to its corresponding master.

You can make some SQL that will switch i.e. Dutch language with English master (update MasterIDs on the other languages to the IDs of the Dutch, Update the English MasterIDs from 0 to the IDs from the dutch language, and finally set masterIDs on the dutch language to 0 - and it will be switched aroun.

To make a copy of a language and have it  to be a new language instead of a website, make the copy, and apply the right masterids - this is a bit more tricky, because you can only find the relation by joining on the Page.MenuText combined and Paragraph.ParagraphHeader fields which is not very solid...

BR Nicolai


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