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Multiple sites with Subdomains (login share)

António Ramos

Hi guys,

We have a client that have one website for public access (e.g. and other only for catalog access with user restrictions (e.g. 

They can sign in either in the public or catalog website (when they go with direct access) but we have a current problem is that when a user sign in the public website his current sign in state is not shared to the subdomain.

Is there any configuration we can do to accomplish this successfully?

Best regards,

António Ramos


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

That setting works fine but the extranetlogoff doesn't work. In the past version we handle this with a custom made handler to delete DW Cookies but in the upgrade to that stopped working. 

Do you know if anything login related (new cookies / set or configuration) was changed between these two? Or do you know any way to logoff sucessfully in both websites?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

António Ramos

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You have to ellaborate. What does it mean when you say it is not working. Get exceptions, the cookie did not delete, some other stuff?

The code change between 8.8.1 and is next to nothing, so I am sure that is not it.

BR Nicolai


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