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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Force choose variant, before add to cart is active

Force choose variant, before add to cart is active

Hans Ravnsfjall


I don´t know if this is general Dynamicweb, or wrap specific. But I am working on a solution that is based on Wrap, and the products have different variants (different sizes, and colors)

As it is now, it is possible to add product to cart, without selecting size or color. I would like it to be, so that you have to select both size and color - before being able to add to cart. Must this be done in the template, or can this be done in management center?


See video here


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Hans

That is wrap specific. There need to be a built in check for that.

I'll add it on our todo list for WRAP.

BR Nicolai

Hans Ravnsfjall

Ok, perfect thank you :)

Hans Ravnsfjall

It looks like this problem is still there. I have opened posted this in the Wrap forum in stead, as it is a wrap related issue.


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