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Automatic generated mails from Dynamicweb end up in our spam box

Peter Leleulya

Most mails from Dynamicweb end-up in our spambox (I think all the automated ones and not the personally sent ones).
That can be a bit annoying when you don't see notifications about forum replies and so on.
But the mailings sent by Dynamicweb also end up in the spam box.
We've recently been contacted by Dynamicweb why nobody at our firm even opened their mailing, well that's why ...

We do not know WHY those mails are labeled as spam ... Is it the template, is the dynamicweb mailserver blacklisted, something else?

Are we the only ones having these problems? Please react if you do too ...
And do OUR clients using the dynamicweb mailing system have the same problems?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Peter

Newsletter we send using Sendgrid - mails from the forum using Hostnordic SMTP servers. But just changed this site to send mails using SendGrid. Interesting to see if that changes what happens in your mail box.

Keep me posted.

BR Nicolai

Morten Buhl

I'll check the website settings

Peter Leleulya

But newsletter mails sent by Dynamicweb to us dó get flagged as spam and end up in our spam box, so I'm not sure how that would help ...
Mails from the forum also end up in the spam box ...

I personally have listed as safe senders to avoid them being marked as spam, so i'm not a good tester if it behaves differently. But I'll check with colleagues whenever you send a new mailing ...

Mails sent directly to me by an employee of dynamicweb doesn't end up in the spambox.
I recently mailed directly with Kaspar and that was not a problem.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It is probably because we give you too little Snaps, and then you have added us to your spam filters :-).

We have to keep an eye on it - newsletters should not be caught anyways, so if they do, it is worth an investigation.

BR Nicolai

Peter Leleulya

Well I can only say that you do send us too little snaps indeed. I can remember a bottle of "Enkelt 1. Klasses Bitter" in the past laugh

Peter Leleulya

Nicolai, FYI, the Dutch mailing "Waardevolle inhoud in uw nieuwsbrief (deel 3) | B2B ecommerce met SAP integratie" received tuesday march 29th was marked as spam and ended up in our Junk email box.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hm, will look into it.

Thanks for reporting.

BR Nicolai


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