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Forms module - Textarea placeholder bug?

Tymen NNM

It seems I've encountered some strange behavior regarding textareas using the forms content module.

When adding a new textarea to the form, you get an input field for the placeholder text. When saving, it's all working. When editing the properties of the textarea, there is not an input field for the placeholder text and the existing value dissapears on save.

Doing something wrong here, or is it a bug?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

I can reproduce that. Looks like a bug. I'll have it fixed.

BR Nicolai

Oleg Rodionov

Hi all,

New TFS 22088 has been created against the bug, thanks.

BR, Oleg

Tymen NNM

Hi Oleg,

Is there a way that I can see/follow the state of the issue/bug?

Thank you.

Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Tymen,

As far as I can tell, this has been fixed in

Regards, Jonas

Tymen NNM

Oké, thank you for your reply!


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