Hi I have this code
@foreach (LoopItem i in GetLoop("Products"))
which renders this on frontend
<img src="/Files/Billeder/sponsor%20logoer/logo/AlinaFirmareng%c3%b8ring.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="220" height="120" class="EcomImageSmall">
as you can see the source for the image path is not wrapped in <img /> tag in the code, but it renders it on front page. I would like to add additional class on that <img/>
tag and change it's src="" attribute to data-src="" instead. in order to implement lazy load on images.
so my question is where can I edit the <img/> as it only appers on frontend but not in the loop " @i.GetValue("Ecom:Product.ImageSmall")" ?
any suggestions?
Best Regards
Aditya Bante