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Forum » CMS - Standard features » How do I deny access to the management center for content managers?

How do I deny access to the management center for content managers?

Peter Leleulya

I have a set of back end users, content managers of user type "standard", who I do not want to be able to access the Management Center.
I was able to assign the content mangers to their own content area's via Modules > Websites > Permissions and I can do File restrictions.
I need them to be able to access custom modules in Modules but don't want them in the Management Center!
Can anyone tell me if such a setting is possible?

And on the same topic, in the Ecommerce section I'd preferably want them only to see orders from their own area.
Is that possible?

So, for example I have 1 shop, but 5 different language sites.
Each language site has a dedicated content manager.
I want this content manager to only be able to access and modify his own area content (this is already working)
I want this content manager not to be able to access the Management Center
I want this content manager only to be able to see orders done in his own area



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Peter

You can lock the Managment Center using the System Settings, see dump #1.

You can set permissions on every module usinc right click in the module tree, see dump #2

If you want to restrict content managers to only see their own orders, you need to create multiple shops and assign each shop to each website. You can then attach all the root groups in the product catalog to all shops and in that way have 5 shops with the same product catalog, and with 5 different order lists that they manage.

If you then also setup that shop 2 only has language XX, the editor that is also just restricted to that shop, will also just be able to access that language.

BR Nicolai

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Peter Leleulya

Thanks for your quick response.
I knew there were settings, but could't find it :(

I think I'll park the shops reconfiguration because it is a webshop which is live already.
But this is very relevant information to have when I need to set up multi lingual webshops in the future.


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