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Forum » Integration » Weird AccessType issue

Weird AccessType issue

Terri Donahue

We have a solution where if the user is AccessTypeID = 1, then the user cannot access the Ecommerce area of the backend. If we change the user to AccessTypeID = 3, then the user can access the Ecommerce area of the application, but loses access to the ManagementCenter, Integration, SQL Firehose area. The following error is returned when trying to access it: 

You don´t have the necessary permissions to access this function!


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Sounds like someone fiddled with the user and inheritance.

Make sure you have at least data like this:

The angel user: Parent must be 0
AccessUserID: 1
AccessUserParentID: 0
AccessUserUserName: Angel
AccessUserType: 0

The administrator: parent must be that of angel
AccessUserID: 2
AccessUserParentID: 1
AccessUserUserName: Administrator
AccessUserType: 1

A user group, parent must be 0, type 10
AccessUserID: 3
AccessUserParentID: 0
AccessUserUserName: Users
AccessUserType: 10

Your admin users - end customer administrator. Parent must be 0, type=3, and usergroups the id of the user group the user is member of. at least one.
AccessUserID: 4
AccessUserParentID: 0
AccessUserUserName: admin
AccessUserType: 3
AccessUserGroups: @3@


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