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Forms for editor (user interface)

António Ramos

Hi guys,

When i have many fields my forms for editor interface start to behave strange. When i try to reorder some fields they jump to the start and is almost impossible to drag them to the down. Even if i go to the list view i cant reorder with the arrows because the list dont show all the fields i have.

We have this problem in various versions and currently i'm in 8.8. Browser Chrome 48.0.2564

Best regards,

António Ramos



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Yes, charm of drag'n'drop, espescially that component we use. You have to shift to the list view instead and do the sorting from there...

António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

That was i tought, but the list view can't list all the fields... 

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Ok, now saw the video!
 There is a limit of 25 fields in the list view. Will fix that.

Votes for this answer: 1
Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

ShareIT = many of everything :-)


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