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Perfomance problem due to default db calls

Erik Pettersson


In my start page i have almost 50 db calls. But while web page analysis the db calls is displaying a total count of 811. If i exclude all contents and check then also the total db count is more than 760.  Without any contents how it came? How can i remove this unwanted db calls. Because of this my pages are very slow. It will be great if someone reply me fast. I am stuck with this issue.




Webpage_Perfomance.JPG With_blank_page.JPG


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Erik

You can do 2 things to get more knowledge on what is killing your site.

Call your frontend (while logged into the backend) adding &debug=true to the URL. This will give you an execution table where you can identify what part of the page process that takes up time - including database operations.

Another option is to call your frontend (while logged into the backend) adding &dbstat=true to the URL. This will give you all the database communication and their callstack.

These 2 will give you information to understand what is going on.

If you cannot identify the issue, feel free to post the URL to the site here or create a case and we will take a look at the page.

BR Nicolai

Erik Pettersson

Thanks Nicolai. Great help :). I find out the isuue using &debug=true, &dbstat=true.


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