Posted on 11/12/2015 12:56:56
The are 2 ways
Simple way is to make a post to the page with a login form using these parameters: Forgotpassword=True& (this is a problem if you need to link from an email because you cannot post - so you would need a intermediate page where you post the information after the user clicked the link)
Second way is to add a recovery token and a time limit for the token on the user:
Dim time As DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(24)
Dim token As String = Dynamicweb.SystemTools.GuidGenerator.GetGuid()
user.PasswordRecoveryToken = token
user.PasswordRecoveryTokenExpirationTime = time
Instead of using a GUID for the token, you could hash the user email address (you can do that automatically during import or something and set the expiration time to year 2100):
user.PasswordRecoveryToken = Dynamicweb.Base.MD5HashToString(user.Email)
Then on a page where you have added the extranet module, set it up for login and configure the module. Then call the page url and add &RecoveryToken={usertoken} that was created above.
Now the password recovery process will be executed as setup on the module.
BR Nicolai