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Installation of

Kevin O''Driscoll

Installation of
Download Files

I have a problem with a new installation on my local machine of this version. Im developing a CustomModule with this so i have also copied the new .dlls to the application root

When I sign in and try to create a new paragraph and apply a template from the dropdown list I get a javascript error and the paragraph cannot the saved:

Richselect.js line 58
if (p) {
            id =;
            value = p.getAttribute('value').toString();  // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null

Checking the attibutes this should be:

if (p) {
            id =;
            value = p.getAttribute('data-value').toString();

If I add a paragraph using sql script directly into the database, then try to update this paragraph in admin I get

HTTPRequestValidationExection (0x80004005) A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was requested from the client (ParagraphText=<p>Para text here</p...").}

as per screenshot

I have also seen a Server 500 error from  Request path: /Admin/Content/ParagraphEdit.aspx 


 can someone tell me whats going on here?




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Kevin

You "copied dlls to the root" - they should be in /BIN.

Make sure you clear your cache (ctrl+F5) to load the new versions of the JS - did you also update your /Admin?

I think the reason why you get the 500 is because you have the wrong web.config in the root of your application. Take the one from Dynamicweb and add your own configuration (if any) to that.

BR Nicolai

Kevin O''Driscoll

Hi Nicholai yes they are in the /bin. This is a new install but will try switching web.configs


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