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Forum » CMS - Standard features » RE: Navigation Submenu Toggel on Mobile

RE: Navigation Submenu Toggel on Mobile

Aditya Bante

Hi I am new to DW and I am not sure how to implemt this into a XSLT file. I would like to have a toggel on a  menu when it is viewed on mobile. Here is a fiddle for example I would like to implement the same functionality.

this is my code.    <ul id="navigationcompact" class="dwnavigation" settings="expandmode:expandall;template:NavigationCompactOffCanvas.xslt"></ul>   

.xslt file is attached.

Can anyone help ? Thanks in Advance.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Did you get this solved?

Aditya Bante

Unfortunately not. 


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