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Ecommerce Single Quote Support

Dennis van de Giessen


We are experiencing problems with customers getting banned from our website when they enter their delivery address.
The problem is the single quote character e.g.: Plaine d'Areuse

Currently i can think of 2 workarounds but  both are not satisfactory.

1: Management Center --> Web and HTTP --> Security --> SQL injection Check --> Add problematic fields to allow users to use the single quote character
 This will probably cause problems because I don't know if DynamicWeb uses Parameters when executing queries.

2: Before submitting, html encode the single quote character (and other characters like < > & ")
The problem with this is that we want the single quote to be stored as a single quote and not as "&#39;"

Thank you for your time and effort





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Dennis

What version are you using? We have changed this in newer releases.

BR Nicolai

Dennis van de Giessen

Hello Nicolai

Our project is currently running on version: Version: (Tue, 25 Aug 2015 14:13)

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Dennis

Problem reproduced - it is a border case. We have now fixed the check to avoid this false positive. It will be released with the next 8.7.* hotfix ( is the plan) - TFS#19958.

Your workaround one will not work.

You can also replace ' with the similar ´ which will make the submit work now.

BR Nicolai

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