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ItemPublisher, Named ItemList and Areas

Adrian Ursu

Hello Guys,

I have a  NamedItemList (with ItemType1) added to a Page in Area1.
I want to use ItemPublisher to list thise items in a paragraph in Area2.

I have tried selecting all ItemType1 from Area1. No luck. Nothing gets published

I have tried selecting NamedItemList from Page with the same outcome.

If I use the same setting but move the pargraph to Area1 instead of Area2, the list is rendered. it looks like the named item list option in ItemPublisher is restricted only to Itme lists in the current area although it lets you select any page on the solution.

And the list ItemType from Area option does not rendere Items from Named Item Lists.

Looks like a bug unless I am missing a setting or something.

I am using version



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

I've asled QA to look at this and detect if it is a bug.
BR Nicolai

Oleg Rodionov

Hi Adrian,

I've checked your scenario on solution under recently released and have good results. Your should use 'Named item list' option in Data section of Item Publisher paragraph settings. Please, see the proof for details .Please, extra comment if I understood your scenario not correct.

BR, Oleg QA 

Adrian Ursu

Hi Oleg,

Thank you for your reply.

In the meantime support has answered to this issue.

The problem was related to the ItemList being assigned to a protected page.
That's why it was not rendered.

Thank you,



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