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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Trying to create products without vat

Trying to create products without vat

Hans Ravnsfjall

see here

In a shop that has a normal VAT of 25%, I am trying to make a certain group of products that don´t have VAT, but I can not get this to work.

Anyone got a clue to what I am doing wrong? I can not save reverse charge VAT for some reason. Maybe that´s the problem?

regards Hans


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Hans

You set the VAT group for the products on the group. The label is called "Default values for new products" - that means that the setting only applies to new products you create in the group. So you have to go on the product it self and set the VAT group.

On the VAT group, set the vate rate to 0.

BR Nicolai


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