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Trashbin in multilanguage site

Ben Doorn

When I delete a paragraph in a multilanguage site and restore it from the trashbin how do i get the other language(s) restored. It seems only the paragraph in the master language is restored and the other languages are not. 

Another thing I noticed is that trying to restore the languages resulted in an extra copy of the page. What is going wrong here. I tested it with the wrap on DW 8.7 after a client raised an issue about restoring language data from the Trashbin


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Ben

We have been testing this and we are looking into the matter. Will get back with a TFS number with the change.

BR Nicolai

Oleg Rodionov

Hi all,

New TFS 19573 has been created regarding the bug.Thanks a lot for observing.

BR, Oleg QA



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