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[email marketing] newsletter is not sent

Ton Martens


Customer on Email marketing newsletter is not sent when setting [advanced : 'Render content for each recipient'] has been set. 

Sending it directly causes the mail ending up as being "scheduled", although I indicated it to be sent directly.

The (unintended) scheduled mail gets a start-time of the current time, but it stays scheduled forever, it's not being sent.

When not setting 'Render content for each recipient', sending the mail works. But obviously this is no accepted workaround.


Any suggestions?



Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Ton,

The fact that an email is scheduled when selecting "Render content for each recipient" is expected behavior. It was designed this way to not lock the UI with the much slower process of generating content and sending the emails.

The scheduled email should be sent no more than 5-10 minutes after you clicked "Send". If is not, this indicates that there's something wrong with Scheduled Tasks on this solution.

First thing you should check is whether you can force the scheduler to send the email. You can do this by going to Management Center -> System -> Scheduled Tasks and finding the task called "Email Marketing Scheduler" and clicking the "Run now" icon. The scheduled time of the email must have passed in order for the scheduler to include the email.

If the email is sent correctly by forcing it, then you need to verify that the Windows Scheduled Task is configured correctly. You can read more about that here: and here:

- Jeppe

Votes for this answer: 1
Ton Martens

Thanks Jeppe! I will check it out,



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