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Field relations in itemtype or new forms

Hans Ravnsfjall


Is it possible to have relations between fields and or itemlists (or the new forms module?)

We are working on a Form, where we want certain fields to become active based on what is selected above.


Eg. iF the first field is a dropdown with options A, B and C

The second field should be activatet depending on what is selected in the first field.

So if you select A in the first field, the options in the second field should be A1, A2, A3 - and if you select B in the first field, the options below should be B1, B2, B3 etc.

This shall also go one level further, so that if you Chose A in the first field, the and A2 in the second field - the options in the third fiels shall be limited to A2-a, A2-b, A2-c and so on.

Can this be done as standard in either Items using itemcreator, or in the new forms module?

regards, Hans






Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Hans

This is currently not possible in either of the modules. It is planned for forms though, but not due until a later release.

BR Nicolai

Hans Ravnsfjall

ok, thank you Nicolai

would be really cool if it could be possible in items aswell  at some point :)


have a nice weekend


regards, Hans



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