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Forum » CMS - Standard features » editor - Insert plain text not working in firefox

editor - Insert plain text not working in firefox

Hans Ravnsfjall


is there a version that fixes the problem with insert plain text in editor, that is not working in firefox?

regards, Hans


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Hans

Can you ellaborate please?

BR Nicolai

Hans Ravnsfjall

Hi Nicolai


there is a problem in Firefox, not allowing to use a funciton in the old editor to insert plain text to eg. get rid of all the unwanted code that comes from eg MS Word.


But i understand, you are no longer supporting the old editor? I like the new editor, but somethings have not gotten better. Eg. the ability to past script etc. in the editor, and also - it works strangely with paragraphs and lineheigts etc. so that it´s not WYSIWYG

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Ah, old editor. It is really old and it is no longer updated - so we cannot fix it.

You have to switch - the old one has lots of problems with new browsers.

The other editor is the same this forum use. You can configure it in any way - also how linebreak behaves. You can also load your own styles with it, so it should have more or less the same layout as your frontend.

BR Nicolai


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