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Delete part of text in NewsV2 via SQL

Hans Ravnsfjall


I have tried to export News from the Data Integration, but it appears that it gives an error because the column NewsText in the table News, contains smileys (i cant make the same smiley in here, as it is a smiley that comes from word)


Anyhow, can i just clean up all the news - and just delete the Smileys, without deleting anything else by firing this SQL in SQL FireHose?

Update News set NewsText=REPLACE(NewsText,'smiley','')


regards Hans


Jonas Krarup Dam

Hi Hans,

Hmm, sounds strange - I'd prefer if the data integration didn't break on smilies...

I don't see any problems with your plan (unless the smileys are important, in which case, I  guess it would count as data loss).

if possible, I would like to get a copy of your database, so that I can recreate the problem, and hopefully fix it.

Regards, Jonas


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