Hi DW,
I just tried to create some JSON using the Maps module, primarily to get the right context (user group). When selecting application/json in the layout and adding a blank layout the Maps module will inject a script in the bottom of the page, making the JSON invalid.
<script type='text/javascript'>/*<![CDATA[*/(function() {var options = {elementId: 'Maps-36',map: {elementId: 'Maps-36-map',center: [ 0.000000, 0.000000 ],zoom: 4,mapType: 'ROADMAP'},marker: {showInfoWindowAction: 'click'},infoWindow: {},list: {elementId: 'Maps-36-list',showInfoWindowAction: false,showInfoWindowZoom: 0},clusterer: {styles: [],gridSize: 0,enabled: false}};new Dynamicweb.Map(options);}())/*]]>*/</script>
I guess this is a bug, so for now I found another solution.
I would also like to reccomed implementing a user group selector for items, as this would have prevented me from looking at the maps module in the first place.