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User Forget Password

Umar Farooq


I have newsletter sign up form. while signingup for newsletter a new user is created in nesletter group and for this user "User Name" and "Password" is also generated which is fine for now. But we have a download section Where only user belong download group can sign in and on download section we also have forgot password functionality so if the newsletter user type his email address an email has been sent to this user with user name and password. But these user can't login to download section as they dont have any permissions to this section.

So I would like to know that how we can control this so an email is sent to user if he only belongs to specific group "download" and its subgroups?

Many thanks in advance.


Best Regards


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Umar

You cannot. You can make a notification subscriber on Notifications.Standard.User.OnBeforeForgotPassword and do some mumbo jumbo in that so the password never gets send.

BR Nicolai


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