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User name fields in editor

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

The release notes for 8.7 say this:

The editor has been augmented with custom user fields in the email value dropdown, fallback value syntax has been inserted, and First Name + Last Name are now available.

Where are these drop downs supposed to show up? Is there something I need to do to enable them? Do they only show up in a specific context? I looked everywhere but I don't see them nor do I find an option to enable then. In the default editor config the option Email values is checked.

Any ideas?



Carsten Boll
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Imar,

You're right to look in the editor configurations, but if you check the Email values checkbox, be sure to also select the 'Configure manually'-option.

You can also just use the email.js configuration file.

The First Name & Last Name are not yet in the dropdown - it's been bugged, and we are working on it. You can use the new tags, though:

  • Email:User.FirstName
  • Email:User.LastName

If others come looking for the answer, here's a step-by-step guide to enabling the email value dropdown:

  • Go to your Management Center > Editing > Editor configuration
  • Select the configuration you want to enable the email value dropdown for (i.e. default, or a custom configuration)
  • Either configure the editor manually - by selecting the appropriate radio button - in which case you should check the 'Email values' checkbox (and all the other editor options you want to enable).
  • Or simply choose to use the email.js configuration file

You should now have the email-values dropdown in your editor.

Any problems, let me know :)


Votes for this answer: 1
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Carsten,

Thanks, that worked great. Would it make sense to hide the manual configuration section in the UI when that option is not available? That makes it more clear that those options are not in effect.



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